A Compendium of applications, pages and REST APIs that you can use to practice your testing and automating.
To help you practice your testing I have The Evil Tester’s Compendium of Testing Apps.
One download - lots of apps to practice testing on.
This is an open source application, you can find it at:
You can download it from GitHub: github.com/eviltester/TestingApp/releases
Video Overview
How to Use Video
Online Versions
Many of the games and apps are accessible online without needing to install the Compendium.
- Bookmarklet Generator
- A simple tool for converting JavaScript into bookmarklets
- CounterString Generator
- A simple tool for generating CounterStrings using JavaScript in your browser. Defaults to version 2, but there are 3 versions.
- e-Prime text checker
- Do you want to write without using the verb “to be”? Do you want to master e-prime? Use our online tool to check your writing.
- iframe search testing tool
- A Test app that demonstrates some iframe security functions, and lets you search on multiple search engines.
- Evil Tester Sloganizer
- Need a motivational slogan to help you test? This is the app to generate it.
- Evil Tester Test With
- A deep manipulation app for exploring and making it work. Used for training.
- Testing Exercise 7charval
- A small javascript program that I used as an exploratory testing exercise.
- Cellular Automata
- A control free Cellular Automata for teaching manipulation via JavaScript.
- The Coloured Square Changing Game
- A simple JavaScript Game for Teaching purposes.
- Driving Game
- A simple JavaScript Driving Game for teaching Interrogation and Manipulation
- Canvas Driving Game
- Updated versinoof the Driving Game
- The One To Nine Calculator Game
- A simple JavaScript Game for Teaching purposes.
- The Random Walker Game
- A simple JavaScript Game for Teaching purposes.
- The Random Walker Multi Levels Game
This Compendium Contains:
- Buggy JavaScript applications as used for training in Technical Web Testing and “Just Enough JavaScript to be Dangerous”
- Selenium Test Pages as used for “Selenium WebDriver with Java training” and the book “Selenium Simplified”
- Rest Listicator as used for REST API training
- The Pulper - a GUI application for exploratory testing and web automating - this has multiple versions built in which can be toggled via the GUI
- A variety of applications used for Technical Testing training and actual production use
How to use
Download the current release .jar
file or clone the repo and build it yourself.
Run the .jar
e.g. java -jar compendium-of-test-apps-v1-1.jar
The server should start and you’ll see something like:
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
User : superadmin - a791c960-b15d-4948-b971-dbd8212b3125
User : admin - d31b83a0-ca64-4d88-a14d-910d52e30586
User : user - 0a867cf0-d6eb-45c8-90c4-09f4fb108b94
Running on 4567
You can access the apps and pages by visiting:
- http://localhost:4567
If you don’t want the applications starting on port 4567 then start the app with the command line argument -port=4568
or whatever other port you want to run it on e.g.
java -jar ompendium-of-test-apps-v1-1.jar -port=4568
Separate Apps
All of the parts of the compilation can be built individually if you use the module projects in the sub directories, e.g. if you only want the REST Listicator API then you can build and run just the restlisticator, but most people will find the Compendium compilation as the easiest way to run the apps.
If you just want parts of the app to help you focus then:
has the Selenium Test Pages for Automated Web GUI Execution practicecompendiumdevapps-1-1-0.jar
has the JavaScript apps for Web Technical Exploratory Testingthepulper-1-1-0.jar
has The Pulper Pulp Book database GUI app for automating or web testingrest-list-system-1-2-0.jar
has an API for experimenting
Download vs Online
Why do I have to download it?
Some of the bundled applications are also available online but the Compendium offers more flexibility by allowing you to run it locally.
When you are practicing, you might not be online.
There might be no wifi you can see, you might be:
- On a train,
- on a plane,
- on a boat,
- or even in a box afloat.
Up a tree, or in a car?
It does not matter; where you are, or where you be.
Once you download the jar, you can test it near or far.
Here, or there, or anywhere.
- In the dark,
- or in the park.
- With a mouse,
- or in the house.
Flexibility you see.
For where you test is not up to me.