A Case study of Testing and Automating a REST API.

A Case study of Testing and Automating the Open Source Tracks REST API using: Java, RestAssured, Postman, cURL and HTTP Proxies
This new book is a well rounded and detailed look at the thought processes and techniques for testing a REST API based application.
Starting with interactive testing using the GUI, cURL and HTTP Proxies, we move on to automating the REST API using Java and REST-assured.
Over 200 pages of actual hands on case study information that can improve your testing and automating of REST API based applications.
The case study uses an Open Source application and free and tools. The source code in the book is freely downloadable for study an amendment. Allowing you to work through the book, try out what you learn and expand and amend the case study code.
About the book
Have you ever wished that you had a worked example of how to test a REST API? Not just automate the API, but how to interact with it with command line tools, and GUI tools to support your manual interactive testing. And then take your testing forward into automating the API?
Well that’s what this book provides. A step by step explanation of how to:
- read the REST API documentation,
- how to tell if the application is using the API,
- interact with the API from the command line with cURL,
- adhoc automating with BASH and Windows Command Line,
- send API requests through an HTTP Proxy so you can see in detail the requests and responses,
- use HTTP Proxies to create data in the application through Fuzzing,
- use Postman REST API GUI,
- automate ‘under the GUI’ parts of the application that don’t have an API,
- automate the API with Java using REST-assured,
- build abstraction code to make your automated efforts readable and maintainable
The book is fully supported by executable code which you can find on Github, and the support page for the book has sample videos showing some of the early steps in the case study in detail.
By working through this case study you will be able to interact with the API from the command line, GUI tools, HTTP messages in Proxies and with Java code.
Over the last few years, the Author has used the Open Source Tracks application as an example testing target to teach: Technical Web Testing, Automating GUIs and REST API Testing.
This book collates the preparatory work and teaching from the REST API workshops. The code from the workshops is included: for creating users, generating random data, testing basic API calls with PUT, GET, POST and DELETE.
Also the early steps of exploring and investigating the API interactively to support manual technical testing are explained in depth.
The full list of support resources for the book are on the support page including:
All of the above over on the book support page