Test Focus Groups - London March 2017
At the Test Focus Groups] March 2017 held near Heathrow, London, I hosted the three Devops and QA sessions.
The sessions were recorded so hopefully I will be able to link to more material in the future. I didn’t make many notes because the discussions were pretty fluid and flowed well.
I hosted a “Devops and QA” session. We had a mix of participants ranging from people who were actively working on DevOps and people who were interested.
We learned a lot about other people’s working environments, some of which seemed actively hostile to a DevOps Approach.
Basic points that I remember:
- QA in DevOps does mean Quality Assurance rather than testing, so if only testers are doing QA then it really isn’t DevOps
- Agile, DevOps are related but you can do one without the other
- DevOps still needs testing and still needs exploratory testing
- Yes DevOps tries to automate as much as it can
- Change architecture for effective DevOps
- worth reading “The DevOps Handbook”
- people recommend reading “The Phoenix Project”
- Managers might find The DevOps Adoption Playbook a good place to start
Prior to the event, I made some notes to prompt discussion and my memory if necessary. I include them below for your perusal and delectation.
- What is Agile?
- merge testing, programming, designing, etc. into “Development”
- What is DevOps?
- merge “Development” and “Ops”
- How is DevOps different from Agile?
- releases, infrastructure as code, monitoring
Testing in Devops
- Does DevOps change the test process?
- Does Testing Fit into DevOps?
- Do Testers Fit into Devops?
- Do Test Managers Fit into Devops?
What Practices Support Devops
- Continuous Integration
- Continous Delivery
- Automated Application Execution and Assertions - beyond Unit testing
What happens when you ‘do’ DevOps?
- Architecture changes:
- smaller systems - micro-services, web services
- health checks
- APIs
- easier to automate
- easier to ’test’ in smaller chunks
- loose coupled
Possible Topics
What is DevOps?
Experiences of DevOps
Testing in Devops
Role Changes
Roll back, path forward - Idempotently
Configuration as Code - jenkins, Chef, Puppet
Containers - share os, isolate memory, I/O etc.
Infrastructure as code - Containers Technology - vagrant, docker, Kubernetes,
Monitoring - Graphite, Kibana (Elastic Search. Logstash)
“Shift Left”
Test Data - discovery, masking, creation, ‘golden deploy’
“serverless” - always in production environments
“Anti-Fragile”, Reliable - chaos monkey
Assurance - build the right thing
Cloud - risks, benefits, issues
Leverage Platform, Infrastructure as a service
3rd part applications impact on devops
Lean - Make work visible, Limit WIP, Reduce Batch size, Reduce Handoffs, Identify & Remove constrains, eliminate waste
Fast Feedback - How
Learning Culture
Poor adoption
- Devops project
- ownership
- silos
- agile didn’t work - try devops
- replace agile with devops
- remove ops
Performance Testing as Code - e.g. Gatling, Ruby JMeter
Where does it fall down?
- Risk Analysis
- no ’tester’ to consider risk and explore for risk
- overconfident safety net because of the ‘amount’ of automated execution - #tests, length of test run, code coverage
- focus on ‘speed’
- speed might not be more ‘important’ than ‘assurance’
- backups
- roll backs
- checks during automated deployment
- monitoring not monitored
- Finance Market Org
- move to ‘devops’ after Agile
- sub team within dev team responsible for Ops support - dev and ops
- pragmatic rather than ‘idealised’
- Payments
- multiple teams - different approaches
- teams support app in prod, ops support environments
- smaller teams with smaller systems have more control
- Others
- Small outsourced dev team - the only team (ops + dev) but none of the controls
- “on call”