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The Missing Years

A bunch of talks over these 6 years but I did not properly keep track.

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I seem to have been tardy in updating the web site (6 years)

I struggle to remember exact dates for some items. I did a Keynote at the London Tools Fair on Alternative tools, and I hosted a panel session at the Tools Fair a few years later. I did a workshop at the Sigist that I can not remember the date of, and I know I have missed a few other things off the list.

May 17th 2011 I talked at the London Tester Gathering on Migrating to Selenium 2.0.

Wednesday 16th March 2011 I talked at the Sigist on “Learning, Developing, Evolving: The Path of the Technical Tester”.

26th January 2011 I talked at the UK TMF hosting an “Automation Debate!”.

January 2010 I gave a workshop at the UK Test Management Summit on “Exploratory and Innovative Testing” and a presentation on “Exploratory Testing Techniques”.

in 2006 I talked at the SQS UK Conference on “How Testers Can Benefit from using NLP”.

in 2005 I did a Keynote at the “uktest 2005” Conference on “Testing with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)”.

[List of Conference Talks]